On Tuesday April 16th, First Tee — Upstate South Carolina hosted The Cherokee County Schools Team Challenge at Cherokee National Country Club. In this challenge, elementary schools in Cherokee County select two 4th grade students and two 5th grade students to team up and represent their school. The 4 students as a team completed in numerous golf and life skill activities and had a running tally of points throughout the morning.
Corinth Elementary Wins For The Third Time!
Congratulations to Corinth for their back-to-back victory and third overall! It was an exciting day filled with lots of great golf swings, teamwork, sportsmanship and smiles!
Final Results!
Champions: Corinth (227)
2nd Place: Blacksburg (223)
3rd Place: Luther Vaughan (218)

Another awesome part of this great day out in Cherokee County was having Access Carolina there to capture it all. Click the buttons below to view the clips from Access Carolina!
Pictures, Pictures, and more Pictures!
Feel free to see all the Team Challenge pictures on our Flickr account!