Written By: Zach Pretzer – Tournament Director
Our chapter has an amazing example of lineage within our programming and we figured it was time for it to be told. This involves three of our beloved lead coaches: Floyd Hendricks, Steve Smith, and Laura Maurer.
Pulled from the archives of Coach Floyd’s class from 12 years ago, we have a memory from a student. “My favorite memory of Coach Floyd is when during First Tee class Coach Floyd would announce our full name and hometown as we were teeing off, just like the pros. He always makes people and kids feel so important.”
The student’s memory is from Laura Maurer; she had Coach Floyd as a lead coach roughly 12 years ago. Laura is a Fist Tee Coach, Els for Autism #GameOn Coach, and Head Coach of the 2022 & 2023 State Champion Dorman High School Ladies Golf Team. Laura has coached at Three Pines Country Club and Willow Creek Golf Club, sharing the practice facilities with another lead coach of ours, Steve Smith! We are so thankful for all three coaches as well as our other amazing coaches across the Upstate.
Floyd has been a coach for First Tee for 17 years, and believe it or not, Laura was introduced to First Tee when she was younger when she had Coach Floyd for her First Tee class.
However, the lineage doesn’t stop there, our coaches have continued to impact the lives of current participants and we hope that this story of lineage can be told again in the future of our ever growing chapter! Check out the quotes below from a participant and his family!
Quote from First Tee Participant Colten’s mother, Melissa
Colten has had three wonderful coaches thus far in First Tee. Coach Laura, Coach Floyd and Coach Steve. Coach Laura had Colten come and play golf with some of her #GameON participants. This made Colten feel really special about his golf game and it was very rewarding for me to see him be somewhat of a role model for her students. Coach Floyd and Coach Steve were perfect for him to get him to really want to practice and improve his golf skills.
Coach Floyd, Coach Laura, and Coach Steve are exactly who we need in the Upstate to build “Game Changers” for First Tee.