2023 Cyder Cup

The Carolina Country Club
September 30th & October 1st

The 20th Annual Cyder Cup Matches took place on September 30th and October 1st at The Carolina Country Club, pitting Greenville Amateurs vs. Spartanburg Amateurs.

Spartanburg was able to retain the cup once again by a score of 18.5 to 13.5, closing the gap on Greenville in the all-time race. Greenville now leads with a record of 10-9-1. Since its inception both teams have now combined to raise over $491,000 for First Tee — Upstate South Carolina.

Thank you to all the team members and sponsors of the event!  

2023 Cyder Cup Captains
Greenville Captain: Terry Willis
Spartanburg Captain:  Todd Whitehead

PLAYer for Life Level Sponsors

Ace Level Sponsors

Eagle Level Sponsors

Birdie Level Sponsors

Terry Willis

Michelle Johnson

Mike Caprio

Ryan Hendley

Jackie Lanko

Duff Wagner

Par Level Sponsors

Dillon Swayngim

Charities Aid Foundation

Richard Burgess

Brian Holden

Tom Thurmond

General Electric

EJ Blanton

Carter Ridgeway

Alan Schuetze

Russell Calicutt

Steven Calicutt

Parker Derby

Taylor Hayes

Brad Sill

Friend Level Sponsors

Dawn Jenkins

David Feild

Doug Dietz

Michael Weisner

Jason Seeley

Jayme Silva

Wayne Brock

William Brock

Martin Cornelson

Steve Berry

Derek Oglesby

Terry Stephenson

Jeffrey Lehrer

Terry Hall

Tyler Comer

Charles Beckert

Melissa Bryant

Brad Pate

Event Rentals

Andrew Hall

Terry Blackwell

Steve Zeady

Liberty Utilities

Kyle Milner

Eric Swartz

John Doyle

Kelly Smith

Kim Stephenson